Other crossword clues for answer "ANTS"ANTSpantry problemcreatures that sleep by taking hundreds of minute-long naps throughout the dayaardvark’s fareanimals that use pheromones to communicategrasshoppers’ foes in “A Bug’s Life”certain infestation“The Empire of the ___” (H.G. Wells short story)flik and Dot, in “A Bug’s Life”they might come out of the woodworkproverbial hard workerscarpenters, maybe?kitchen cabinet climbersat any one time, roughly 10,000 trillion of them roam the earthlife study of the biologist E. O. Wilsonwith 42-Across, source of restless anticipationpicnic nuisancesgiant things in the 1954 sci-fi film “Them!”members of a certain colonysix-foot runners?___ climbing a tree (Sichuan noodle dish)creatures on an Escher Möbius stripuninvited picnic guestssnacks for aardvarksbiologist E. O. Wilson’s focusones in hills or farmstiny foragerslittle dronessnacks for some beetlesmyrmecophobe’s fearsocial workers?workers you wouldn’t want to see in the office?fare for aardvarks