- enjoyed a gingerbread man, say
- had beef, perhaps
- supped on
- got down
- sampled a beet, say
- polished off
- noshed
- had something
- “Yesterday, I ___ a clock. It was very time-consuming!” (example of a 1-Across)
- did a great job on, in modern slang
- dined
- had food
- had a meal
- cleared the dishes?
- took in some takeout?
- suffix with liquid
- ___ and ran
- consumed
- took something with a grain of salt, maybe
- did a great job, in Gen Z lingo
- past-tense verb that sounds like a number
- cleared one’s plate, say
- snacked on
- ingested
- feasted
- gobbled
- loved, loved, loved, with “up”
- inhaled, so to speak
- devoured
- took in
- made a fast stop?
- had a date, maybe
- greatly enjoyed, with “up”
- didn’t go fast?
- supped
- “Why was 6 afraid of 7? Because 7 ___ 9!”
- apt letters missing from assimil_ _ _d
- had breakfast, say
- broke a fast
- wolfed down
- absolutely loved, with “up”
- enjoyed a smorgasbord, say
- had for lunch
- brunched, say
- had a hero, say
- downed
- gobbled up
- absorbed
- cleared one’s cookies?
- dug in
- “Thanks, but I already ___”
- grazed
- did some crunches at lunch?
- homophone of the sum of this clue number’s digits
- what seven did to nine, in a joke
- absorbed, as a loss
- noshed on
- put away some groceries?
- broke bread
- partook of a meal