Other crossword clues for answer "ATOM"ATOMchemistry building blocksubject of the obsolete “plum pudding model”molecule bitit comes from the Greek for “indivisible”tiny matter?little bit of make-up?thematic element in 2023’s “Oppenheimer”the H or O in H2Oit has small orbitslittle wonder?bit that bondsfission focusvery tiny bitsubject for Niels Bohrsmall building blocksmall matterits behavior is described by quantum physicssubject of study at CERN’s laboratoryelementary building blockit’s often drawn with three ellipseshigh school model, maybeit’s hardly any matter at alltiny unit of mattersmall thingresearch subject for which Bohr won a Physics Nobelit’s 99.9% “empty space”its name comes from the Greek for “uncuttable”it may be bondedquark’s placeit’s elementaryjust a bitmanhattan Project subjectelemental part of an elementmodel in a science classroomlittle matter