Other crossword clues for answer "EELS"EELSsnakelike fishnocturnal reef huntersaquatic wrigglerswriggly sea creaturesfish that can survive for several hours on landsnaky swimmersursula’s slithery pets in “The Little Mermaid”fish whose juveniles can climb wallsursine : bears :: anguilliform : ___shocking fish in the Amazondelicacies for which Aveiro, Portugal, is knownfish that are often prepared kabayaki-stylecreatures that are often catadromous, meaning they live in fresh water and breed in salt watersargasso Sea spawnersreef wrigglerssome snakelike fishcreatures described as anguilliformtheir blood is toxic to humansthey may be long and shockingslippery swimmersjellied fish in some British piessymbols of slipperinessunagi and anago, for twosleek reef swimmerssome reef dwellerscongers and morayssome creatures in the ocean’s “midnight zone”flotsam and Jetsam in “The Little Mermaid”