Other crossword clues for answer "EPA"EPAnixon established it in 1970, for shortpollution-regulating org.org. that tests the watersclean air org.emissions-monitoring org.org. concerned with climate changeorg. that enforces the Toxic Substances Control Actlead regulator, for shortorg. that regulates fertilizersorg. with an Office of Watersuperfund grp.green letters?org. concerned with emissionsorg. with grants for asbestos removalorg. that regulates hazardous wastegrp. that measures 1-Acrossorg. created the same year as Earth Dayorg. established by Nixonclean Air Act enforcer, for shortgrp. regulating pesticidesgreenhouse gas regulator, for shortorg. with pollution solutionsorg. established by 111-Downgovernment grp. employing ecologistsenergy-monitoring org.clean water org.clean Air Act org.water monitoring grp.org. created in the wake of “Silent Spring”clean energy grp.smog-monitoring org.emissions control grp.clean air and water org.fuel economy authority, for shortorg. with an Office of Air and Radiationorg. established partly in response to Rachel Carson’s “Silent Spring”org. that launched WaterSense in 2006org. with lots of money to waste?org. since Nixon’s presidencyorg. that takes the lead on lead?org. with resources on smart growthantipollution org.org. that monitors air quality