- ambulance destinations, for short
- sounds from a stumbler
- sounds of hesitation
- hosp. areas usually on the ground floor
- stumbling sounds
- hosp. trauma centers
- ventilator settings, for short
- hosp. areas
- hosp. sections
- high-traffic hosp. areas
- cPR sites
- locales staffed by M.D.s
- sounds of uncertainty
- medical show settings, in brief
- workplaces for some essential workers, in brief
- speech fillers
- critical hosp. areas
- “I mean ?” sounds
- settings for some TV dramas, in brief
- sounds of some pauses
- equivalents of ums
- some hesitations
- triage centers, for short
- “Grey’s Anatomy” settings, in brief
- hospital settings, briefly
- some transcript omissions
- places with frontline workers, for short
- hospital drama sets, in brief
- starts of hedges
- triage sites, for short
- places to take breaks, for short?
- nervous speech fillers