- ones who might invade your space, for short?
- org. that administers the G.R.E.
- trisolarans in “The Three-Body Problem,” e.g., for short
- u.F.O. crew
- travelers from far away, for short
- the Monstars in “Space Jam,” e.g., for short
- u.F.O. crew, supposedly
- otherworldly creatures, for short
- flying saucer crew, for short
- otherworldly sorts, for short
- they’re not from around here, in brief
- “Arrival” arrivals, for short
- agent Mulder’s obsession, in brief
- u.F.O. pilots
- subjects of some conspiracy theories, in brief
- baddies on TNT’s “Falling Skies,” for short
- ewoks or Klingons, in brief
- u.F.O. pilots, for short
- fabled visitors to 49-Down, in brief
- beings not (yet) proven to exist
- visitors from afar, in brief
- 35-Across and others, in brief
- “We come in peace” speakers, in brief
- h.S. exam org.
- they left behind one of their own in a 1982 film
- figures on “The X-Files,” in brief
- aliens, in brief
- u.F.O. pilots, some believe
- “Star Wars” cantina patrons, for short
- hypothetical entities, for short
- travelers from afar, for short
- mars rovers, in brief?
- saucer contents, for short
- flying saucer fliers, in brief
- superman and others, for short
- supposed creators of crop circles, for short
- org. that creates the G.R.E.
- french connections
- big inits. in admissions
- some dolls sold in a Universal Studios gift shop
- “Men in Black” antagonists
- sci-fi travelers
- uranians, e.g.
- those who are not among us (or are they?)
- subjects of some conspiracy theories, for short
- travelers from a faraway place, for short