Other crossword clues for answer "ISEE"
- “That makes sense now”
- “That makes sense”
- “Makes sense”
- “Ah, OK”
- words from someone who’s following you
- “Got it”
- “Ah”
- “Mm-hmm”
- “OK, got it”
- “That clears it up”
- palm reader’s lead-in
- “Ah, yes, understood”
- “Oh, gotcha”
- “Noted”
- “Ah, that makes sense now”
- clear indication?
- “Hmm, OK”
- “Now it’s clear”
- “All right, cool”
- “Ah, gotcha”
- “Mm-hmm …”
- “Oh, OK”
- “Mmm hmm …”
- [Nodding]
- crystal gazer’s lead-in
- “Mm-hmm, it’s clear now”
- verbal equivalent to a nod of the head
- “OK, that makes sense”