Other crossword clues for answer "NINE"NINEnumber of planets before Pluto was demotedthis clue’s number divided by threedigit that looks like another digit when turned upside downnumber of worlds in Norse myth___-Down (what this is)impressive diving scoresymbol of longevity in Chinese numerologywhat all Alaska ZIP codes start withball with a yellow stripethe sum of the digits of any multiple of ___ is a multiple of ___ (arithmetic curiosity)16-Across squaredpoint value commonly assigned to a queen in chesswhen the first “Peanuts” comic appearednumber that, in Chinese languages, is a homophone for “longevity,” and is thus considered good luckstart of every California ZIP codeyellow-striped ballnumber of M.V.P. awards won by Wayne Gretzkyscore for a bull’s-eye in archery