Other crossword clues for answer "OAR"OARrower’s bladecrew needitem fit into a tholeitem on a boathouse wallboat propellerpiece of wall décor at a lake house, perhapssteering implementgondola propellerbit of decoration at a beach housesomething in a gondola’s forcolacrew implementnecessity for some Venetian transportaquatic propellerboating noun and verbrowing bladeimplement used with a Venetian fórcolarower’s implementlong blade, of a sortrower’s needgalley propellerimplement at a regattapaddle lookalikescull propellerrowing toolsculler’s needsomething a coxswain lacksimplement with a flat headrowboat propellerrowing implementpiece of equipment for certain summer Olympianspropel, as a shellsculler’s toolit may be used to get away from a bankstroke, perhapsthing seen in the foreground of “Washington Crossing the Delaware”it fits in a locktrireme implementhomonym of 39-Downwhite-water rafting guide?murder weapon in “The Talented Mr. Ripley”crew’s control?means of propelling a boatregatta implement