Other crossword clues for answer "OMAN"OMANmideast sultanateneighbor of the United Arab Emiratesland with an exclave on the Strait of Hormuzgulf nationsultanate near Yementhe so-called “Pearl of Arabia”home of Bahla Fort, a UNESCO World Heritage Sitearab nation that’s a top exporter of gypsumcountry bordering Yemencountry that borders Yemensaudi Arabia neighboru.N. member classified as a sultanatesultanate on the Arabian Seaits capital is Muscatnation bordering the Arabian Seabesides Brunei, the only current sovereign sultanatehome of the Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosquecountry near the Strait of Hormuz“Toe” of the Arabian Peninsulaoldest independent state in the Arab worldthe toe of a geographical “boot”muscat’s sultanateonly United Nations member whose name starts with “O”its flag displays a curved dagger known as a khanjarcountry whose name can be an exclamation