- the sun emerging from the clouds at exactly the right time, say
- the appearance of a butterfly in a home, for some
- portent
- singular noun that, when a “w” is added to the front, becomes a plural noun
- sign of things to come
- halley’s comet, to some
- it’s a sign
- divination observation
- itchy hands, for the arrival of money, supposedly
- a butterfly flying into your home is a good one, some say
- black cat, classically
- a rainbow may be seen as a good one
- predictive sign
- harbinger
- a rooster crowing before midnight, it was once believed
- spine-tingling sign of things to come
- eclipse, to some
- warning sign
- something interpreted from a bird’s behavior, in the ancient Greek practice of ornithomancy
- dark clouds, e.g.
- a rainbow is said to be a good one
- the Grim, in the Harry Potter books
- one might be good or evil
- auspice
- gathering clouds, to some