- start of a count
- formula ___
- wordle score that elicits the message “Genius”
- lone index finger, symbolically
- small square
- group for alkali metals on the periodic table
- 50/50
- last word before “Blast off!”
- inside lane on a track
- what 0! equals
- small cube
- fee, in dollars, to run the inaugural N.Y.C. marathon in 1970
- dollar bill
- early afternoon hour
- number that shares a key with “!”
- common uniform number for a soccer goalkeeper
- united
- radius of a unit circle
- “Who am I? Two-four-six-oh-___!” (“Les Misérables” lyric)
- beatles compilation album made up entirely of their No. ___ hits
- half and half
- number of times Rose tells Jack she loves him, in “Titanic”
- “God bless us, every ___!”
- tip jar item
- air Force ___
- unified
- number that sounds like a past-tense verb
- representation of January
- busy time at a cafeteria
- what I might be
- this clue’s number minus eight
- not yet two years old
- word before and after “on,” “to” or “by”
- soul mate, with “the”
- only repeat in the Fibonacci sequence
- see 21-Down
- it shares a computer key with an exclamation point
- number of Q tiles in Scrabble
- hydrogen’s atomic number
- “!” keymate
- what a pointer finger can represent
- i, to Claudius
- individual
- what a raised index finger might represent
- it shares a key with “!”
- 1
- small sample
- the Chiffons’ “___ Fine Day”
- partner of only
- 1/2 + 1/2
- marine ___
- small bill
- number on a foam finger
- out of gas, informally
- something it’s good to get a hole in?
- only’s partner
- with 39-Down, “Wait!”
- word after square or plus
- what the tangent of 45° is equal to
- with 83-Down, puzzle solver’s starting point
- “We’re number ___!”
- with 124-Down, feature of van Gogh
- it appears twice in the Fibonacci sequence
- it’s represented by a dot in the top-left corner, in Braille
- common typo for an exclamation point
- gastric acid, on the pH scale
- unnamed person
- binary digit
- number aptly found in “loner”
- “Take ___”
- last number in a countdown
- what a raised index finger may stand for
- with 1-Down, the smallest amount
- number of seasons played by baseball’s Seattle Pilots
- half and half?