Other crossword clues for answer "ONES"ONESgender-neutral possessivethe first two digits of every Brooklyn ZIP codehalf of the digits in binary codechange for a 32-Across, perhapssimoleonstill portiondigits carried in long divisionstart and end of every row in Pascal’s trianglesinglescapital of Washington?snake eyescolumn on the far right, maybesmall tips, maybegender-neutral possessive pronoun___ placeroughly half of binary codebuckslow-scoring Yahtzee categorysmall bits of doughneighbors of exclamation markslow dice rollchange for a fivescoreboard numbers when a baseball team puts up a “picket fence”there are two in “101 Dalmatians”low notesgeorge Washington billstypos for exclamation marks if you fail to hit Shiftword sometimes substituted for “your”till section