- “Hey, I’ve got a secret ?”
- covert “Hey, you!”
- [Hey, over here!]
- [Check it out!]
- vowelless attention-getter
- “Yo!,” on the down-low
- something an attention-seeker might say
- sound made by a sneaker, say?
- sibilant summons
- “Hey, you there!”
- “Hey you!”
- “Hey, you! Over here!”
- “Over here!”
- “Hey, you!”
- [Hey!]
- [Check this out!]
- sound from a note passer
- attention-grabbing whisper
- alternative to an elbow
- tap alternative
- vocal nudge
- “Hey, over here!”
- alternative to a finger poke
- secret indication
- discreet attention-getter
- poke alternative, maybe
- relative of “Hey!”
- [Hey! Over here!]
- tap alternative?
- “Hey … over here!”
- “Hey … you!”
- quiet summons
- “Wanna hear a secret?” preceder