- show on which Julia Louis-Dreyfus got her big break, in brief
- weekend comedy show, for short
- 1975 TV debut, in brief
- joan Cusack and Robert Downey Jr. each spent one season on it, for short
- sketch show with celebrity hosts, for short
- on which Maya Rudolph has played Kamala Harris, in brief
- nBC stalwart
- show commemorating its 50th season in 2024, in brief
- show that spawned “MacGruber,” for short
- show on which Phoebe Bridgers famously smashed a guitar, in brief
- with 45-Across, “Celebrity Jeopardy!” and others
- show that Cicely Tyson became the first Black woman to host in ?79
- show with the Church Lady and Target Lady, for short
- show with a Joke Swap segment, in brief
- nBC staple since 1975, in brief
- launchpad for many comics, in brief
- forte and Strong once worked on it, for short
- producer of sketches, in brief
- nBC skit show since 1975, in brief
- weekend TV comedy show, in brief
- show shot in Studio 8H, for short
- tina Fey was its first female head writer, in brief
- long-running Lorne Michaels production, for short
- long-running sketch show, in brief
- show with a “What’s Up With That?” segment, for short
- show with “featured players,” in brief
- weekend comedy hit, in brief
- nBC hit since 1975, in brief
- show that opens with an iconic crane shot, in brief
- nBC comedy show, in brief
- with 45-Across, performance in Studio 8H
- show featuring Bowen Yang, for short
- nBC weekend skit show, for short
- show that spawned “Wayne’s World,” in brief
- nBC hit since ’75
- sketch show since ’75
- weekly 90-min. TV show
- weekly show famously filmed in Studio 8H, in brief
- kenan Thompson is its longest-tenured member, for short
- show with over 1,000 handwritten cue cards each week, for short
- show with the recurring character Target Lady, in brief
- letters that can fill in the blanks of “_A_D_ER” to make an appropriate surname
- not Ready for Prime Time Players show, for short
- nBC sketch show, in brief
- chase vehicle, once, in brief?
- show filmed at Rockefeller Ctr.
- see 41-Down
- where the Blues Brothers debuted, for short
- airer of political parodies, briefly
- popular 90-min. show