- “Ew!,” in a text
- “I didn’t need to hear all that!”
- “Spare me the deets!”
- response to hearing all the gory details
- “Ew, ew, EW!”
- “Thanks for sharing … not!”
- “Enough! I get the picture already!”
- “OMG, stop!”
- “I did NOT need to know that!”
- “Eww! Enough!”
- “I didn’t need to know all that!”
- letters that might make a long story short?
- “I didn’t want to know that!”
- “OMG, enough already!”
- “That’s more than I needed to know!”
- “Oversharing alert!”
- “That’s enough!”
- “Not something I needed to know,” in a text
- “Enough!,” said?
- “I’ve heard enough,” in brief
- “Am I oversharing?”
- “Eww! I didn’t need to know that!”
- “Just stop talking!”
- “Eww, I didn’t need to know that”
- “I don’t need to hear all that!”
- “I didn’t need to know that!”
- cry while plugging one’s ears
- “All right, I’ve heard plenty”
- “You shoulda kept that to yourself”
- “That’s enough about your sex life!”
- “That’s quite enough!”
- “I did NOT need to hear that!,” in brief
- “Spare me the details!”
- reply to an oversharer
- “OK, you can stop the story right there”
- “Eww, you could have kept that to yourself”